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In-Ground Spa Trends for 2022

It goes without saying that one of the best ways to relax is by spending some time in a spa. Whether it’s a day spa or a home spa, spas offer a variety of benefits that can help improve your overall health and well-being.

If you’re thinking about adding an in-ground spa to your home, you’ll want to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. This way, you can ensure that your spa is both stylish and functional.

At Essig Pools, we always keep an eye on the latest trends in the pool and spa industry. That’s why our inground spa installation and swim spa construction services are some of the best in the business. Here are a few of the top inground spa trends for 2022:

1. Increase in well-tech spas

As technology continues to evolve, we’re seeing a trend of people using it for their wellness. This includes everything from fitness trackers to apps that help you meditate.

When it comes to in-ground spas, this trend manifests itself in the form of smart spas. Smart spas are equipped with features like WiFi, Bluetooth, and voice control. This allows you to do things like adjust the temperature, turn on the jets, and play music — all without ever having to leave the comfort of your spa.

2. High-tech touchless treatments

In addition to being convenient, touchless treatments are also more hygienic. This is because there’s no need to contact the spa equipment physically.

While most of these treatment solutions are not directly part of an in-ground spa or swim spa, they are definitely great additions to such a setting.

Some of the most popular touchless treatments for in-ground spas include:

3. Eco-friendly spas

As people become more aware of the impact that their choices have on the environment, we’re seeing a trend of eco-friendly spas.

Eco-friendly spas are made with sustainable materials and use less energy than traditional spas. They also often use saltwater, which is a more natural and gentle option than chlorine.

4. Spas designed for socializing

Traditionally, in-ground spas have been seen as a place to relax and unwind alone. However, we’re now seeing a trend of spas that are designed for socializing.

This includes features like:

5. Spas with wellness programs

Another trend we’re seeing is the rise of spas that offer wellness programs. These programs often include things like nutrition counseling, fitness classes, and stress management.

The goal of these programs is to help you not only feel good while you’re at the spa but also when you leave.

6. Virtual reality spas

Virtual reality is another technology that’s being used more and more for wellness. And, it’s not just limited to exercise classes and meditation apps.

Now, you can also find virtual reality spas. These are spas that use VR headsets to transport you to a different location. For example, you could be in a tropical paradise or a mountain retreat.

7. Spas with a view

There’s nothing quite like relaxing in a spa with a beautiful view. And this is something that more and more people are looking for.

If you have the opportunity to build an in-ground spa with a view, we highly recommend it. Not only will it make your spa more enjoyable, but it will also increase the value of your home.

Even if your compound doesn’t have that dream view that you have in mind, you can create an alternative custom view. The goal is to have an environment or view that has a soothing or relaxing effect while still being visually appealing.

To sum it all up,

These are just some of the main spa trends that have been emerging in recent years. As you can see, the trend is moving towards spas that are more high-tech, eco-friendly, and designed for socializing. So, if you’re thinking about installing an in-ground spa, be sure to keep these trends in mind.

At Essig Pools, we can help you build the perfect in-ground spa for your home. We’ll work with you to choose the right features and design a space that fits your needs. Contact us today to get started!

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