Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy: Why People Get Sleepy Too Much

Sleep issues are often referred to as sleeping disorders. This includes having trouble getting or staying asleep and sleeping in unsuitable times, getting too lots of sleep, or having strange behavior during are asleep. If you do not follow an established sleep and wake routine, it is possible that problems occur. If people are in different time zones, this can happen.

Furthermore, shift workers who have changing schedules, specifically those who work during the night are prone to it and treated by medical professionals through the use of medically enhanced supplements such as Modalert. Whatever amount of sleep you get, difficulty sleeping makes the process difficult throughout the daytime. The symptoms are usually seen in adults at college or in schools so diagnosis may be delayed because people think that their insomnia is due to a combination of other activities, and their the academics.

Different types of sleep disorders

  • Insomnia refers specifically to difficulty sleeping and sleeping and.
  • Difficulties in staying awake, for example the chronic drowsiness that occurs during the daytime.
  • Sleep rhythm problems are a challenge to sticking to a regular sleep routine.
  • The sleep-disrupting activities that disrupt sleep are not normal practices.
  • Problems falling asleep or staying asleep can be a sign of insomnia. The episodes could be brief or last for a long time, or both.

Hypersomnia sufferers experience excessive afternoon somnolence. This means they suffer from fatigue during the daytime. The condition can also be caused by hypersomnia when someone needs lots of sleep. This can be caused through various ailments; however it may be the result of the brain’s condition.

Do Distinctions exist between sleep Apnea and Narcolepsy?

Sleep Apnea is not a neurological condition as the narcolepsy. However, these disorders make it difficult to remain alert and focused all day. The best method to increase your concentration all day long is to drink your daily dose of the medication known as Waklert.

Both sleep apnea as well as the condition of narcolepsy can be treated. Indeed, those with narcolepsy tend to be more likely to suffer from additional sleep issues, including sleep apnea and insomnia as well as restless leg syndrome.

Signs and symptoms from Sleep Apnea and Narcolepsy

One of the most prominent indicators of both narcolepsy and excessive sleepiness during the day is the extreme morning sleepiness. Sleep apnea sufferers are unable to stay awake during the day when they suffer from EDS and those with Narcolepsy have it almost impossible.


The main symptom of Narcolepsy is morning somnolence. Narcoleptics with this kind of hypersomnia usually struggle to stay awake all day. Sleep paralysis, cataplexy hallucinations, and insomnia while trying to fall asleep are a few additional narcolepsy signs that can be experienced. Narcolepsy symptoms can manifest at any time, however, typically, they occur during the adolescent years. Sleep and Narcolepsy Symptoms typically managed with natural medicines like Modvigil, in situations where you feel exhausted or if you’re feeling tired at the beginning of the day.

Sleeping Syndrome

Since it can cause breathing interruptions when a person is asleep Sleep apnea can be an issue that can cause serious harm. In the course of a day, those breathing interruptions could occur hundreds of times. Because they don’t awake fully the person may stop breathing for a few seconds or two and still be unaware of any health issues. Other symptoms of sleep disorders are problems with the mouth in the mornings, dry lips after you awake as well as loud snoring. Excessive sweating in the evening.

Sleep disorders and narcolepsy diagnosis

Being unable to stay awake throughout the day is one of the main reasons for people to visit their physician. Because sleep apnea symptoms can are experienced while one is asleep, an additional person is usually present to witness the obvious breathing disturbances and gasps. The diagnosis of narcolepsy usually only discovered after the other causes of excessive daytime drowsiness have been eliminated by an expert medical doctor. The delaying diagnosis of the condition is caused by the typical causes of sleep disorders and the narcolepsy. If OSA is diagnosed, doctors could assume it is the sole cause of EDS and not investigate any other factors that could be contributing to the condition.

What causes sleep Apnea as well as Narcolepsy?

To fully understand the underlying causes of narcolepsy more research is required. It is believed to be an intricate interaction between trigger genetics and environmental factors. The cause of sleep apnea is usually a physiological. This is why OSA can be more straightforward to treat and diagnose than narcolepsy.

What is the cause of Narcolepsy?

Hypocretin levels are thought to be lower in narcolepsy. Hypocretin is a neurotransmitter that promotes alertness and prevents the beginning of REM sleep in the brain. Hypocretin levels are low, which can lead to poor and uncomfortable sleep. Hypocretin levels are common in certain Narcoleptics. The risk of developing narcolepsy increases due to a mix of genetic as well as autoimmune and environmental triggers. It is possible that narcolepsy develops following the upper respiratory tract infection. In rare cases it is possible that a brain injury or stroke, sarcoidosis, or tumor may trigger the development of narcolepsy.

The causes of sleep Apnea

If the muscles at base of the neck are relaxed too much, they block the airways and hinder regular breathing, leading to obstructive sleep apnea. Particularly, the musculature manages the tongue, tonsils the uvula, and your soft palate. The airways remain open throughout central sleep apnea. However, the brain does not transmit a body breathing signal. A mix of airway and cerebral issues manifests in the form of mixed sleep apnea. The patient may wake up at night when breathing stops frequently throughout the night in any of three types.


See your physician if you are experiencing any of the other symptoms described in the article for instance extreme sleepiness during the daytime. There are many methods for treating sleep apnea and medications like Artvigil can aid in managing the symptoms of the disorder.